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Administrative enrollment

Administrative enrollment takes place at the student welfare office (bureau de scolarité) at ENS Rennes.

If you are enrolling for the first time in France, here is a list of the documents required for your enrollment:
  • Admission certification from your host department
  • Passport photo
  • A photocopy of your valid I.D. card or passport
  • Valid residence permit or visa
  • Social security:
    > EU citizens: valid copy of proof of cover (EHIC - EuropeanHealth Insurance Card)
    > Other students: documentary proof of membership of the student social security scheme, otherwise, compulsory membership of same (LMDE or SMEBA, 2014 rate: €213)
  • Scholarship: documentary proof of scholarship awarded and where applicable, proof of scholarship awarded covering the cost of enrollment (holder of a scholarship from the French government, holder of a scholarship based on social criteria, etc.)
  • Latest diploma: original of the diploma with a legible certified copy in French or English. A specific validation procedure for foreign documents and diplomas is a prerequisite for the administrative enrollment of students without a French diploma. In this case, the original diploma and a translated and certified version of the diploma obtained will be requested. This procedure does not concern exchange students.
For certificates at the beginning and end of the study period, exchange students will request a certificate of study from the host department or laboratory. Based on this certificate, the International Relations Department (SRI) will provide the end-of-study certificate. For further information, please contact the SRI.

Course enrollment

Enrollment is possible after clarification of status, training and level with the host department. Course enrollment for the various teaching courses (programme and teaching units in particular) is carried out at the department to which the training programme is administratively connected.

Foreign PhD students

After finding their Doctoral School and a host laboratory, PhD students must fill in an enrollment form at ENS Rennes. You can obtain this from Élodie Lequoc, at the secretariat of the doctoral training programme. In this form, students must provide their personal information, host laboratory name and the subject of the thesis.

The list of documents to be provided is as follows:
  • the recommendation of the Head of the Doctoral School
  • a copy of the Master’s Degree or equivalent
  • the UBL PhD charter (to be signed by the PhD student, the thesis supervisor, the Head of the Doctoral School and the Head of the Research Unit).
The administrative enrollment must then be completed with the payment of tuition fees and the choice of student social security scheme (see page 10), at the student welfare office.
After your enrollment and payment of fees, you will receive approval from the President by email.
Then, you must send proof of your enrollment to the Doctoral school (proof of enrollment, copy of your student card, documentary proof of payment of tuition fees) and your registration will be definitively validated at the Doctoral School.

Date of update May 23, 2017