Normalien student status
Students who enter ENS Rennes have a double status: they are both students, registered in State Universities, and normaliens, i.e., members of ENS Rennes.
The status of normalien means that the student signs a 10-year contract with the State, which includes the four years of study at ENS Rennes. During these four years, the normalien students (French and European) are paid a monthly salary by the State. Non-EU normalien students receive a monthly grant of €1,000 from the ENS Rennes for a period of three years (third year of the Bachelor’s Degree and the first and second years of the Master’s Degree).
The other three Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS) in France are: ENS Paris, founded in 1794, ENS Lyon and ENS Cachan.
Date of update May 23, 2017